The appearance of our planet is directly related to the formation of the Solar system. Billions of years ago instead of our own planetary system in space was the incredible size of the molecular cloud. At some point a small portion of it separated and formed protocoldata nebula. Under the effect of the gravitational force of the nebula started to shrink. After most of the substance has accumulated in the center, the remaining matter began faster and faster to spin around him. The core of the nebula is more compressed, resulting in its bowels began nuclear fusion - the Sun emerged.
In rotating around the new star cloud began to appear on local centers of gravity, and in the process, called accretion, that is, the fall of a large celestial body smaller formed planetesimal - proto-planet. Planetesimals was much more than the planets in real time.
Planetesimals collided with each other and drew the residue from the dust cloud. This resulted in all known planets, including Earth, and moons. The residue which did not come into the gravitational pull of planets, was removed by the solar wind, which came from other newly formed stars.
Initially, the earth was red-hot, thanks to that, she was able to absorb all the new and new substance from the surrounding space and increase in size. Also due to the fact that the substance was molten, denser metals left inside the planet, while lighter silicates ascended outwards, that is, it formed a core and crust of the Earth. Then arose and the first atmosphere of hydrogen and helium. The initial process of planet formation took only a few tens of millions of years.
It took about eight hundred million years, and on the cold earth, the first living organisms that have fundamentally influenced the further development of the planet.