1. A major purchase for the house

At home, everyone has their place to sleep. It will definitely need baby. For the first time, you can purchase for a newborn bassinet, but baby will grow very quickly, so buying the crib will be for most couples the best solution. Best baby suit is the most common crib without rocking pendulums and other devices (if you don't want then to wean the baby from night swings).

In bed it is advisable to purchase the bumpers, so that the newborn could not hit the wall. The canopy can be indispensable in summer, when the baby needs to be protected from annoying insects at other times of the year it will soon serve a decorative function and collect dust.

To sleep the baby will need to buy a hard mattress, two sets linen, thin and warm blankets, oil cloth elastic. Pillow during the first year of life the child is not necessary, its role can successfully fulfill folded in several layers of the diaper.

After a month or two after birth, the baby will begin to actively learn about the world, so the crib can be set musical mobile. He will captivate the newborn for a while or even help mom in his laying for the night.

The things a newborn should be stored separately from adult members of the family, so it is useful in-room dresser. He may have a baby changing Board in the kit, so the expectant mother, it will be convenient to dress the baby and carry out hygienic procedures.

A good purchase in the first month of life will be a beach chair or swing for baby. These devices can carry around the house, allowing mom to do things, not separated with the baby. Importantly, in these things there was a horizontal position.

In the future, might come in handy for baby tummy time Mat with toys. During periods of wakefulness the majority of children will enjoy spending time there.

<2. You need newborn for a walk

For walking long distances and sleep in the fresh air of mother and baby can not do without a wheelchair. In the first six months the child needs to be well protected from adverse weather conditions cradle.

In the cold season, to wrap the baby comfortably in a warm envelope on a sheepskin. If you plan to transport your child by car, it is desirable that he has transformed into a playsuit with feet and had an opportunity of fastening to the seat, which also must be purchased for the safe transportation of the baby.

Also the newborn depending on the weather you will need warm and thin caps, socks, cotton clothes, insulated (wool or fleece) clothing.

For shopping trips and walks in the warm season can be an excellent sling.

3. Hygiene and health of the newborn: a list of things

The baby requires daily bathing. As long as the navel is not healed, it is necessary to wash in your own bath or basin. At first the soap will need a little one just for cleaning, and for everyday bathing, it is better to use herbs (succession, daisies).

After bathing the child can do massage with baby oil, to treat the navel zelenkoj or hlorofillipt. In the morning the baby should wash with a cotton swab (with a cotton ball or disc), soaked in warm boiled water.

For baby care be useful to diapers, baby wipes, diaper cream (you can use the tool, which the mother will be able to handle nipples).

Buy a bunch of medical drugs should not be, most of the funds it is better to buy as needed. In addition to these tools, first aid kit, you can add a remedy for intestinal colic (plantex, SAB simplex, espumizan), temperature (set, children's Nurofen), rinsing the nose (and throat).

4. Feeding baby

If you plan on breastfeeding, the mother may only need a breast pump and a small bottle (for water or expressed milk). A breast pump is necessary for pumping during start and end of breastfeeding and if the mother needs to leave and leave breast milk for the baby.

5. A list of the first clothes of the newborn

If you do not want the swaddle, will be sufficient for 5-8 warm flannelette diapers. It is convenient to lay in bed, often not to change bed sheets, wrapped in them after bathing the baby, to spread with dressing.

Many modern moms think is the most comfortable clothing for newborn sleep suits and bodysuits. For the first time, the child will need no more than 5-6 sets of size 56. Big kids can not manage to wear such clothing if you are expecting a large fetus, to buy new things is better of size 62. Also the child will need 3-4 pairs of socks, a couple hats.

Here is the list of the most necessary things to ensure the comfort of mother and baby in the first months after birth. Depending on the needs and capabilities may be added.