Collecting mushrooms, be sure to treat the underside of their caps with the spore layer – gimenofor. As a rule, it can be in the form of plates, folds, spines, and tubes. Now, the most delicious and healthy edible mushroomssuch as boletus, boletus, boletus and mushrooms, under the cap is a layer of tubes. Among fungi with a gimenofor in the form of tubes inedible are extremely rare.
It is believed that mushrooms growing on wood, also relatively safe. Among them may be caught and poisonous representatives, but such, tend to have a bitter taste and an unpleasant odor.
One of the most popular mushrooms, white, has some dangerous toxic twins. Note the mushroom cap. She's white from edible and non-edible pink or red. If in doubt do not give you to put the mushroom in the basket, broke it hat. At about the white mushroom it will darken, and edible - the fault is its color does not change.
To distinguish the edible mushrooms from the false can be, paying attention to the cap of mushrooms. In ordinary mushrooms, they are brown and have poisonous the hat has a green or red tint. In addition, for each leg of Armillaria has a special ring, which is absent in non-edible mushrooms. Edible mushrooms have a nice mushroom flavor, but inedible, a nasty, earthy smell.
Edible chanterelle from false is different color. Poisonous mushroom has a bright yellow or orange tint, it is more smooth and accurate than the edible chanterelle.
Deadly poisonous mushroom is a pale toadstool. Appearance it should remember each mushroom. Leg pale toadstool growing out of the "pot", it has a translucent ring. The cap of this poisonous mushroom usually white, pale green or yellowish, and the middle is usually darker than its edges.
Of course, on a "quiet hunt" it is better to go with an experienced mushroom hunter who at first glance will be able to distinguish edible mushroom from inedible.