If you are going to breed rats, do not start simultaneously female and male. Given how quickly they breed and how difficult to attach in good hands normal mongrel of a rat, five or six months you get a rat farm, which will deliver a lot of problems. Or be forced to relinquish their Pets to feed reptiles. It is best to have two females. To determine the sex of a rat is not hard, since one and a half months.
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If your rat is an adult – to distinguish boy from girl can be even in appearance. Males are larger, thicker. Their body resembles the shape of a pear. Females are smaller and more graceful. Their fur is much softer and resembles mink. Girls are more active and curious. The boys are calmer. Under the tail of the adult male is well marked two decorated oblong egg the size of a little less than the acorn.
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To determine the gender of a small rat, lift it by the tail. By the way, take a rat tail only in extreme cases, it is quite stressful for the animal. Secure the animal with your other hand gently take hold of his skin on her ears. So the rat won't spin, and you will be able carefully to consider it.
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Note the distance from the tail (the anus) prior to the opening of the urethra. In girls, they are located next. The distance between them does not exceed 2 millimeters. In boys, this distance is much longer – about half an inch. Compare multiple rats, to determine their exact gender. If you only have one rat, and you find it difficult to determine its gender, will have to wait 2-3 months, until, when it becomes obvious secondary sexual characteristics (see second step).
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