You will need
  • - medical certificate;
  • - documents of the child and the parent.
Contact your local doctor. The free permit is issued to children with disabilities, disabled of group I, children under the supervision of social security bodies or consisting of, in the medical records. A list of children who can get a free ticket in each region is different. In some areas of the Russian Federation it is possible to send in sanatorium-resort organization of a child who, for example, often had colds.
Pass medical Commission. To receive your free voucher "Mother and child , it is necessary to hand over analyses of blood, urine, analysis on enterobiasis; to take the opinion of a dermatologist about what the child has no diseases of the skin, and help pediatrician that the child had no contact with patients at home, in kindergarten or school.
Make a certificate for obtaining the permit on the child. Medical certificate in form № 070/at-04 is in place and stored in sanatorium-resort institution for 3 years. The expiration date is 6 months from the date of signing.
Provide collected documents to the Ministry of health in your area. There is a write a statement of consent to the processing of personal data and with it will present your passport, as a legal representative of the child's birth certificate or child's passport, medical insurance, insurance certificate of state pension insurance, copies of these documents, a certificate for obtaining the permit.
Select a sanatorium for the treatment of the child. The Ministry of health will give you the choice of a list of the available Russian health centers, which treat the disease specified in the certificate, which includes the permit "Mother and child .
Get sanatorium-resort card for children. Sanatorium-resort card is filled out on the form № 076/u-04 after you will receive a free ticket. Signed by the attending physician and head of the Department (or the Chairperson of the medical Commission).