In order to use the program Free PDF to Word Converter, download and install it on your computer.
After installation, run the program. Click the Browse button (Browse) to the top of the screen and select the PDF file you want to convert. Specify the number of pages and conversion options under General Options (General options). If you want to convert the whole document, select All Pages ("All pages").
Click Convert to Word Document convert to Word document" to convert the file.
In order to use the program Smart PDF Converter, download and install it on your computer.
After installation, run the program and click Convert from PDF ("Convert from PDF"). Click Add File (Add file) in the right part of the screen and select the PDF file you want to convert.
Click the Convert button ("Convert") to convert the file.
To take the advantage of converting files online, open a web browser and go to the web site of the service.
Click"Browse" to upload the PDF file you want to convert. Enter your email address, if required.
Click the Convert button ("Convert") to convert the file. Download the file in format .doc. Also a link to the file can be sent by e-mail depending on the website.