You will need
  • - ammonia,
  • soap,
  • - peel a fresh orange,
  • - castor oil,
  • - coffee beans
  • - hydrogen peroxide,
  • - potassium permanganate.
To eliminate the unpleasant smell of leather in one simple way. To do this, treat the surface with a solution of ammonia and soap. Then wipe it with castor oil, in its absence, can be replaced with glycerin or vaseline.
Many people try to remove the smell of the leather with acetone or gasoline. Remember, do not in any case impossible, otherwise the surface will are degreased and quickly come into disrepair. Wonderful smell of lavender skin treatment peel of fresh orange.
Strong smell of new leather can be easily removed with the help of coffee. To do this, take a handful of fresh beans and sprinkle the product, leave this form on the day. This popular recipe has been known since ancient times. However, many experts insist on his insecurity as the product of light skin can be covered with traces of coffee. So use this tip for dark skin.
If an unpleasant smell comes from the leather shoes, you will help the hydrogen peroxide. Soak it in cotton wool and carefully wipe shoes with the inside. Repeat the procedure several times for best results. Can buy special insoles, aromatic or coal, which eliminate the unpleasant smell.
Wipe the leather with cotton wool soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide. The unpleasant smell will disappear.
Needs expensive perfume to kill the odor, fortunately, the modern ladies do not neglect the advice and pour over a whole bottle of perfume.