You will need
  • Icon;
  • - antique shop;
  • - online auction.
If your house has old icon, you will definitely want to evaluate it, to see the owner of what States are. It is not necessary to sell a family heirloom, but if the icon is really valuable, you will need to take care of her safety. In order to decide what to do with you inherited a piece of art, the first thing should be to appreciate it.
Never undertake to independently assess the value of the icon, if you don't have special art education. You should not engage in dilettantism, because it will not bring absolutely no benefit. You'll only be wasting time and inadvertently damage the historic relic.
For the evaluation of the icon is better to contact the antique shop, where are exposed and sold of the icon, or to the Museum, having the appropriate exposure. You explain in detail what is included in the price of the icon. Usually take into account the condition (the presence or absence of restoration) the subject of icon painting, the story and the level of writing, time of writing and the presence of labels (stamps, labels), as precious salary (if any).
Every antique shop and the Museum collaborates with an independent evaluator to whom you can turn for further advice. However, please contact the institution with a good reputation, because the fraud in our time is not rare.
If you assume that your icon is too valuable to carry it outside of your home, you can take a photo and giving her a detailed letter with a description and history of the appearance of the icon in your family, send the material by e-mail at the address of the Internet auction, which presents works of Russian icon painting. Expert opinion guarantees a knowledge of the approximate value of the rarity.