If you have small or narrow eyes, remember: full stroke eyes you is strictly prohibited. Tracing with a pencil the eyes top and bottom, you can visually reduce eyes. If you are a lover of arrows on the eyesx, draw it only on the upper lash line and lower eyelid leave. Also use the pencil to increase eyeif the stroke upper line and 1/3 from the outer corner and the lower. This eyeliner is not only visually enhances the eye, but also increase the distance between the eyese, if they are close together.
Some people apply eyeliner not along the lower lash line and just below. Using this "optical illusion" the eye expanded. But this kind of eyeliner on the fan, it is mainly used for stage makeup.
Important to visually enlarge the eyes and the colour of the eyeliner. You can do without pencil and just apply on the contour eyes light shade: white, beige, silver. This will give the eyem expression. If the base color is dark eyeliner, be sure to lighten pencil or shadow in the inner corner of the eye. Your eyes will instantly be more. For greater effect, you can fully draw a light pencil lower eyelid along the eyelash growth either to mid-century. Also to increase the eye using mascara on upper lashes. Bottom eyelashes leave not dyed and definitely down the lower eyelid with a light pencil.
In addition to eye-liner can be brought, and eyebrows. If we put a light tone along the bottom of the eyebrows, your eyes will also become larger.
Generally, if you are concerned about the size of the eyes, except for eyeliner you need to consider also the color of shadows. To increase the eyeto apply the makeup as follows: external corner of a dark, middle is lighter, and the interior angle light necessarily. This kind of makeup standard and suitable for almost all eye shapes.