Pour the finished home wine storage only in a clean, preferably dark stained glass bottle. The main enemy of wine is oxygen, it turns the alcohol into vinegar. So always tightly zakuporivaniya wine with natural cork.
Place bottles of winein m cellar or a special cupboard, which is always maintained the same temperature of 10-12 C, and for a strong sweet drink 14-16 S. White and pink wine store at a lower temperature. After homemade wine has finished fermenting, keep it in bottles for at least a few weeks to get it fully matured.
Keep homemade wine in a cool, well-ventilated, dark place. The humidity should be 60-80%. Bottles of winem lay horizontally to the drink washed the tube, then it will retain integrity and will not crack. Keep bottles of winem from shaking, low temperature and vibration to keep for a long time the true wine bouquet.
Do not pour wine from an unfinished bottle into another container if you want to keep it. Started a bottle of white winem store in the fridge for a few days. Red wine up to three days can be kept at room temperature. Open bottle of fortified or sweet winem kept longer – about two weeks.
Do not store the wine along with fresh or pickled vegetables, as natural and homemade product quickly absorbs odors.
Put bottles of winem vertically for several hours before serving. If on the inside of the bottle has sediment build-up, Tartar, and coloring matter, the so – called "shirt" drink wine do not stir, gently turn the bottle in vertical position and wait until the precipitate falls to the bottom. Then gently pour home wine by the glass.