You will need
    • For the first recipe:
    • 1 kilogram of flour;
    • 30 grams of fresh yeast;
    • water;
    • salt.
    • For the second recipe:
    • 1 kilogram of flour;
    • 30 grams of fresh yeast;
    • water;
    • salt;
    • the set of herbs.
To prepare simple home-made scones, take a bowl and dissolve 30 grams of fresh yeast in two cups of salted warm water. Gradually add to yeast 500 grams flour. Knead the dough and add 500 grams of flour, diluting with water so that turned out not too stiff dough. Cover the bowl with a towel and leave the dough to ferment in a warm place. The fermentation process can last for several hours. Readiness test will be reached when its volume will be doubled and out will pop the bubbles.
Turn the dough out onto cutting Board and cut into pieces weighing about 300 g. shape each portion into a ball shape and cover with a cloth. From billet make pellet, the thickness of which in the middle of not exceeding 0.5 centimeters, and the edges – 2 cm. In the center of tortillas make a few punctures with a fork. Nasilivata tandoor for 15 minutes. Place the scones on the rapid, slightly wet with salt water and put in the oven. As soon as the pellet will become browned, remove them from the oven and cool.
For the preparation of tortillas on herbal infusion knead the same dough as in previous recipe, only instead of water use an herbal infusion. For its preparation take one part of the shoots of mint, shepherd's purse, pigweed, dandelion, sorrel, spinach, purslane, greens, garlic and onions. Pass all ingredients through a meat grinder and pour the resulting meat one liter of warm water, strain the infusion and mix into a dough. Once the dough has risen, cut it into pieces weighing about 300 grams. Roll from them balls, cover them with a cloth and allow to stand for 15 minutes. Made of solid pellet with a thickness of 1.5 cm, prick the surface all over with a fork and bake in the tandoor, as indicated in the previous recipe.