For processing credit card mastercard you just go to the office of one of banks providing this service. These include Sberbank, URALSIB, Avangard, Citibank and others.
Before getting a mastercard decide what kind of map you would like to have:
- Maestro – card the most convenient for everyday purchases in shops, that they often pay wages at the enterprises and scholarship in Universities. This is the most simple and accessible card;

- Maestro Express card, which can be obtained directly on the same day in the Bank, they do not need to book in advance. They are not registered, and their registration takes just a few minutes;

- Mastercard standard plastic cards with the best balance of price and quality. These cards are distributed to more than two hundred countries and are accepted in most outlets;

- Gold Mastercard – payment of goods and services these mapmi you will be offered discounts and additional offers;

Mastercard World card premium, which will become an indicator of high status in most countries and guarantees fast and quality service;

Mastercard World Signia card is the highest level, allowing you to use any services in any country around the clock.
Determine the type of card, you can start registration. You will need only your passport is going to make a special form for opening a Bank account.
When making some cards need to Deposit a small amount of money. Usually it is 10 or 50 rubles.
Next, you will need to decide if you will need any additional services, which include credit cards and mobile banking, connecting the information about any transactions with the money in your account will be delivered to your mobile phone via SMS.
After completing the form you will be prompted to wait for about a week and again be in the same branch of the Bank to receive the card.