If you know the base area of cylinder (S) and its height (H), then multiply the two known values to calculate the volume (V) of a cylinder: V=S∗H. for Example, if a footprint equal to two square meters and a height of four meters, the volume of the cylinder will be 2∗4=8 cubic meters.
If you know the radius of the circular base of the cylinder (R) and its height (H), then multiply the number PI (π) by the square of known length and radius to his height to calculate the volume (V) of the shape: V=π∗R2∗H. for Example, if the length of the radius of the base equal to fifty centimeters, and a height of four meters, the volume of the cylinder will be 3.14∗0.52∗4=3.14 cubic meters.
If you know the diameter of the circle at the base of the cylinder (D) and its height (H), the volume of the figure is equal to one quarter of the works in the PI (π) and the square of known length of the diameter of the circle: V=H∗π∗D2/4. For example, if the length of the diameter of the base equal to two meters and a height of four meters, the volume of the cylinder will be 4∗3.14∗22/4=12.57 cubic meters.
If you know the circumference of the base of the cylinder (L) and its height (H), then find the volume of cylinder (V), as the product of its height on the quotient of the square of the circumference by four PI (π): V=H∗L2/(4∗π). For example, if the circumference of base equal to two meters and a height of four meters, the volume of the cylinder will be 4∗22/(4∗3.14)=1.27 cubic meter.
Practical calculations when calculating the values of the volumes can be performed with the help of a calculator, and you can use the search engine Nigma or Google - it also built an easy to use computational algorithm. For example, to calculate the volume of the cylinder used in the previous step the original data in the search query box Google need to enter this text: "4 * 2^2 / (4 * PI)".