Take unnecessary pocket film camera with flash. Pull out the batteries. Wear rubber gloves and disassemble the apparatus.
Discharge the storage capacitor of the flash. To do this, take a resistor of about 1 kOhm and a power of 0.5 W, bend his conclusions, clamp it in a small pair of pliers with insulated handles, then hold the resistor with pliers, lock them to the capacitor for several tens of seconds.Then finally discharge the capacitor, closing his blade screwdriver with insulated handle for a few tens of seconds.
Measure the voltage across the capacitor - it should not exceed a few volts. If necessary, discharge the capacitor again.Napauta on the terminals of the capacitor jumper.
Now discharge the capacitor circuit sync. It has a small capacity, so to discharge a short duration to close the sync. Keep the hands away from the flash lamp, since when triggered, sync it with special step-up transformer receives a pulse of high voltage.
Take a hollow dielectric frame with a diameter of a few millimeters. Wrap it in a few hundred turns of insulated wire with a diameter of about one millimeter. On top of the winding wrap several layers of adhesive tape.
Coil connected in series with a storage capacitor of the flash.If the camera does not have the test button flashes, connect in parallel to the sync button with good insulation, for instance, bell.
My Cabinet is a small notch for the wire from the button and the coil. They are needed in order to when assembling the housing the wires were not pregatiti that threatens their breakage. Remove the jumper from the storage capacitor of the flash. Assemble the machine and then remove the rubber gloves.
Insert the batteries into the camera. Enable it by removing the flash from yourself, wait for the charging of the capacitor, and then insert the coil in the screwdriver blade. Hold the screwdriver by the handle so she is not left click. Simultaneously with the flash of any electromagnetic pulse, which will magnetize the screwdriver.
If the screwdriver's magnetized't good enough, you can repeat the operation several times. As you use the screwdriver it will gradually lose magnetization. To worry about it not worth it - because now you have a device with which it is possible to recover the.Note that a magnetized screwdriver like not all house masters. Some consider them to be very comfortable, others - on the contrary, very inconvenient.