To begin, write your statement of resignation in duplicate. And since you already know that to go to the head pointless, feel free to go the other way, implying the protection of your interests in the confrontation with the employer. And here you support Labour code of the Russian Federation (article 80), which stipulates the possibility to resign from the moment of signing the application and at time of writing. That is, you will be deemed to be dismissed after 14 days of the date shown at the end of the document, or rather from the time of its compilation and transmission to the administration for review. Here the most important point - the need to notify the user.
To do this, register your application as an incoming document with the Secretary of the organization or in the personnel office, depending on where it is customary to keep records of documentation in your company. One copy you leave for transfer to the head, and the second stamped number, authorized signature, date of adoption and seal (if any) will leave. Two weeks after the date of adoption of the document you can be fired at will, and the administration is obliged to give you the completed workbook and calculation.
If the previous step failed to implement because of the lack of the ability to register the application (we do not accept, refuse to register or simply do not keep records of incoming documents), go to the post office and apply for a postal item with a notification. Be sure to make an inventory of investments that the administration was not able to say that you sent them, for example, a blank sheet. Further, when receiving the notice of receipt, count required by law to 14 days and require calculation.