For carrying out the quotations make a notice, which must include the subject of procurement, form of payment and delivery of goods and services. Customer may request information confirming the integrity of the supplier, according to the Register. Bidders serves the application without the application documents and licenses. Participant may submit only one quotation request, and shall not have the right to make changes. You must record each application in the register of quotation applications at the time of their receipt. At the request of the member, you must provide a receipt showing the time of its reception.
Check the application for compliance with the terms of the notice. Possible rejection of application because of

contradictions with the requirements contained in the notice, and if you exceed the maximum purchase price. Next you have to determine the winner and the party that offered the second best price, among all eligible participants.
Publish the Protocol review and the results of evaluation of quotation applications on the results of request for quotations. In the period from 7 to 20 days after placement of the Protocol and its signing will conclude the state contract with the winner. In the absence of quoted bids or reject all quotation applications, you have the right to repeat order placement via request for quotations with the right to amend the terms of the contract.
If you received only one quotation request, you can enter into a contract with the sole member, and also place the notice on extension of deadline for applications. In determining the winner at the same the prices offered by multiple applications, choose the one who have applied before others.
Pass a draft contract and a copy of the review results of evaluation of quotation bids to the winner within two days. At refusal of signing of the contract, the Exhibitor is entered in the register of unfair suppliers. In this case, you can offer to contract with the second bidder who offered the same price. If a participant is missing, you can conclude the contract with the customer, offered the best combination of price, among other participants.
Request for quotations as a procurement method is quite simple, as it does not require the execution of tender documentation.