Lay down a sheet of paper and ask the child to stand on it. The distance between legs should be at least 10 cm So the load is evenly distributed on the foot, allowing the measurement will be accurate. It is desirable that the child at this time was in his socks, as most types of shoes are not worn on bare feet.
Draw a pencil outline the feet. Hold the pencil in a vertical position and ensure that he had contact with the feet throughout the process of outlining.
Using the tape measure or ruler, measure the drawing the distance between the tip of the big toe and heel. It is important to make measurements of both feet, as their length, though only slightly, but different.
To determine the exact size of the legs use the largest of the received values. Round it up to nearest multiple of 5 mm.
Correlate the value obtained with a grid size that corresponds to the GOST. It is for the majority manufacturers manufactures children's shoes. When choosing nursery shoes refer to the following dimensions: foot length 95 mm 16 corresponds to the size of the Shoe; 105mm - 17; 110 mm 18; 115 mm - 19; mm 125 - 20; 130 mm - 21; 135 mm - 22. Molodetskaya Shoe comes in the following sizes: stop 145 mm corresponds to 23 to size; foot 150 mm buy size 24; 155 mm - 25 size; 165 mm - 26. Dimensions preschool shoes: foot length 170 mm will fit 27 size; 175 mm - 28 size; 185 mm - 29 size; 190 mm - 30 size; 195 mm - size 31. And finally, school shoes: for feet with a length of 205 mm need a 32 size; 210 mm - 33; 215 mm - 34; 225 mm x 35 size.