When buying shoes be sure to take the child with you so that you can try on the shoes. The end of the thumb of his feet should not touch the toe of the Shoe, and the heel should have a reliable support. Be sure to consult with a shop assistant that will help you to choose the right shoes.
Do not buy shoes one size larger than you need. In it, the child will feel uncomfortable and stammer. The foot may be deformed, so to save on shoes is not necessary.
Choose a model that is easy to wear, but do not just take off, once again the child was not removed it. The incision should be widely opened to facilitate donning, but lacing or clasp shall not be released in one motion.
Make sure that inside the Shoe there are no pressing seams. It should be made of natural materials, to leg they "breathe." The toe should be strengthened, since children up to three years often crawl and stumble.
Do not buy shoes with orthopedic soles, because they are useless, as in the first year of life stop at the child's flat. It is better to buy shoes or boots with anatomical sole, which will contribute to the proper development of the arch of the foot. The front part should be flexible and flexible. For winter, of course, you need a thicker sole, so feet are not cold.
Never use shoesthat you got from someone, since she has already taken the form of the feet of another child.