Prosthechea listening device, you can collect from your old mobile phone. You just need to disassemble the phone and remove the Board with vibra and melody, instead solder the transistor, which closes the button lift. It turns avtoportreta tube listening. And then everything just. It is necessary to leave the phone in heard place and call on him. Included lifting the handset, using your phone, you can hear everything that happens and everything you talk about.
Another method of production of listening devices is a basic diagram on the elements. This homemade bug consists of a power supply, antenna and microphone placed in any small package.
So, take a piece of plastic and cut with a knife the required dimensions for base bug. Consider this, in which case you use for it. This can be a mobile phone, a pack of cigarettes, powder box.
The M2 screws fasten on the base of the battery, helical antenna and the circuit Board listening devices.
Reinforce the base of the button on the microphone and the power button. You can optionally attach to the base and the led. Then the bug will show enabled or disabled. Collect all items together on the basis of plastic. Place the wire in the selected case.
Configure the tracker with FM radio with continuously adjustable frequency. The downside to this bug is the possibility of wiretapping only with the receiver. The previous model was bugged with a mobile phone that is more comfortable and maneuverable.