Vitamin D is a group of biologically active substances, including ergocalciferol and cholecalciferol. It is given to children to prevent rickets. In vivo vitamin D is formed in skin when exposed to sunlight, so the technique is administered to children up to three years from September to may – that is, in a time when there is a lack of sunlight.
Please note that the sunlight must fall on the baby's skin directly without any barriers. Need is solar ultraviolet, which is able to hold up even ordinary window glass. Walking with the child in the warm season, the maximum open his skin to the sunlight. This does not mean that the child should be exposed to direct sunlight, and enough ambient light. Most importantly, the baby was the most exposed.
As a source of vitamin D children usually give vigantol or aquaderm. Vigantol administered to children aged two weeks, one drop in the morning. If the child is premature, the drug should be taken two drops. For treatment of rickets daily dose should be increased to 4-8 drops.
If the source of vitamin D is constant, then it should be taken with four weeks of life. The daily dose is 1-2 drops, for premature babies – 2-3 drops. In the treatment of rickets, the dose is increased to 4-10 drops.
You should pay attention to the fact that vigantol produced oil-based, while the ease of use on the water. The aqueous solution is absorbed and digested better than oil that has a value in the case of using a drug for premature babies.
In some cases, the use of preparations with vitamin D may cause allergic reactions, so before using vigantol and aquadetrim be sure to consult with your doctor.
In practice vitamin D is most convenient to give a child a spoon with a small amount of milk, water or diluted juice such as Apple or grape. Note that if the child nourished on artificial mixtures, vitamin D is not necessary to give – as a rule, it is already present in the mixture. The exact composition of the mixture can be viewed on the packaging.