Vitamin D is vital to the body, but is produced only during exposure to the sun. The grown child will be able to obtain it from food, liver, seafood, cottage cheese and cheese. But for the baby, especially in autumn and winter, need an alternative source of vitamin D. Otherwise, in the rapidly growing body will interfere with the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, will start the bone deformation or negative changes in many organs and systems.
A solution of vitamin D can give the baby during the whole autumn-winter period – in months, the title of which is the letter "R". However, if the doctor prescribed you the preventive and the curative dose of vitamin, do a week break after each month.
Sold in pharmacies two types of vitamin oil and water solution D2 solution D3. Usually pediatricians are advised to give preference to the aqueous solution – it is not as toxic as oil, is better tolerated by children, is well absorbed. And D3 stimulates the body's own vitamin D.
To give the baby vitamin D, preferably in the first half of the day. After or during a meal in a spoon squeeze 1 or 2 drops depending on the doctor, add water and allow to drink to the child. If the baby is fed infant formula, do not forget to tell about this pediatrician. In the breast-milk substitutes usually already have a certain amount of vitamin D – the doctor will take it into account when calculating the required for your child dose.
If the dose is small, or if you do forget to give the baby vitamin D, most likely, the baby will start rickets. Pediatricians are in one degree or another occurs in almost all children under one year. If the time to diagnose rickets and its treatment, all symptoms should go away completely. The disease is treated with vitamin D in combination with other means. Remember that you can not give this drug without consulting physician and not to do the tests for blood levels of calcium and phosphorus.