Skin whitening need to regularly use a tonic of freshly squeezed juice of the quince. Fruits RUB on a small grater or chop in a blender, then squeeze the juice. Wipe his face several times a day.An excellent whitening remedy is the juice of marigold. Flowers crush to a pulp, and then squeeze out the juice, which lubricate the face.
Good lighten skin face mask. Brightening mask for the face must contain such ingredients as lemon juice and cucumber, tomatoes. The remaining components of the mask dependent on your skin type. Another effective form of masks – masks with strawberries. A handful of berries, crush, the resulting slurry mix with 1 tbsp. of milk. Apply on the face under the cloth. A quarter of an hour rinse with cool water.
The use of bleaching agents is another step to the white skin. When buying bleaches, make sure that they contain ingredients of natural origin – papain, licorice.