To join the youth forum, the first thing you need to register on the official website of "Seliger". For all candidates introduced a rating system, and for registering every potential participant receives 20 points.
On the forum there are several camp sessions, they correspond to a project or professional activity. Read information relating to each of them, and choose the direction that is closest. After registering, you will receive the opportunity to apply for participation in any change, you can only choose one direction.
In the future, you will receive a message from the head of the shift, which will send the personal task for each candidate. You need to perform them as best as possible, as this will be assessed 20 more points of the rating that affect the ability to arrive at the forum "Seliger".
In April there is an opportunity to choose a private educational program on the website of the forum. It is also given 20 points rating. It must be done, as the participants that have not chosen their program, to participate in the forum will not be admitted.
Find out the exact dates for the beginning of your shift and pay the registration fee. This must be done no later than 15 days prior to the event. When the money is received by the administration, you score the last 20 points of the rating, and the result is 100 points. This means that now we have to come to Seliger.
The registration fee is 2500, of whom 1000 are returned to the participant after the event, if he does not break rules of participation in the forum. A trip to the venue of the forum must be paid by each participant independently.
Useful advice
In any case, it is necessary to clarify the sequence requirements on the website of the youth forum "Seliger", as requirements may change. Can also change the size of an organizational payment and other conditions of participation.