You will need
  • Website hosting that allow execution of PHP-scripts and creating MySQL databases. A modern web browser. Program FTP client. Data for access to the site via FTP. Access to the administrative panel of the hosting account of the website.
Download the latest version of the distribution package of the SMF forum. Open in your browser Click the "Download " SMF". On the opened page, select "zip" under "Full install". Will start the download process. Save the distribution archive to your hard drive.
How to make a forum on <b>website</b>
Unpack the distribution SMF. Create on the hard disk to a new directory. Extract it the archive with the engine files forum. To do this, use an unpacker or unpacking functions of the file Manager.
How to make a forum on <b>website</b>
Create a subdomain for a forum on the domain of the site. Go to the control panel of the hosting account. Select the domain of the website on which you will install the forum. Go to manage subdomains. Add a new subdomain.
How to make a forum on <b>website</b>
Download the scripts forum hosting. Connect to the site server by using an FTP client or the file Manager. Navigate to the root directory of the subdomain forum on the server. Copy all files the distribution package from the folder on your hard drive to a folder on the server.
How to make a forum on <b>website</b>
Create a MySQL database for the forum. Go to manage MySQL databases. Create a new database and new user to access it.
How to make a forum on <b>website</b>
Follow the installation forum. Open a browser to the address http://<podometry>.<domencia>.<Sonatina>/install.php. For example, if your forum is installed on a subdomain forum domain then the browser will need to open the address When you first access the forum page opens installation. Follow the instructions in the installation wizard. On the first page of the wizard, enter credentials to access the database, the name of the forum. On the second page of the installation wizard, enter the administrator credentials and password to access the database (here it is introduced for reasons of safety).
How to make a forum on <b>website</b>
Check the operation of the installed forum. Go to an established forum by clicking on the link with the text "your newly installed forum". Verify no error messages. Go to the administration panel. Go to logs and errors. Make sure there are no errors. Then you can start creating sections of the forum.
How to make a forum on <b>website</b>