Croche is a restless, never losing heart, rabbit happy. He often interrupts his interlocutors, like to experiment and travel. Draw it easy. First, on a sheet of paper you need to show a circle divided by two perpendicular lines into 4 equal pieces. Then Crumble it should draw oval eyes, round nose-button, eyebrows, smile with two protruding teeth and long ears. The one about laughing after that need to finish oval shaped front and rear legs and paint the Bunny blue.
How to draw funny
The hedgehog is the best friend of the Twins. He is a very serious and sober, but often unsure of himself. The hedgehog has an excellent education. In General, he's a real intellectual. The basis of a Hedgehog – a circle cut from the top of the triangle. In the middle of the circle you want to draw a triangular nose. Above his large round glasses and a little edge. On the sides of the Hedgehog should draw a neat lugs. Further, about laughing it is necessary to draw a triangular needles, arms and legs. The Hedgehog should be paint in pink color, and needles him in purple.
How to draw funny
Another fun character of cartoon series "Smeshariki" is a lyric poet Barash. He constantly sighs and writes sad poems. Barash is in love with Jane. But attempts Smeshariki to show their sympathy for her do not always end successfully.To draw this Smeshariki not hard to others. First, the paper must represent a circle. It is to draw round eyes, a wide triangular nose and small mouth. Next, Barash should finish lugs, round like curls, horns, arms and legs. Body Smeshariki, to circle with a wavy line. Color Barash should be a light purple color.
How to draw funny
Nyusha – dreaming to become a big girl indeed. She is always watching their appearance, modnique and, in General, considers himself extraordinarily beautiful. Jane always tries to be the center of attention.To draw Nyusha, you need to start, draw a large circle, and in it another small. Then Nyusha need to draw expressive eyes, a nose, a snout, a neat mouth, ears, feet and naughty pigtail, braided hair of girls Smeshariki.
How to draw funny