To change the background, you first need to determine how it is specified in the current version of the pages of the website. This should open the source code of the page is lying on the server. This can be done with any plain text editor will be Notepad. But if you are using any content management system, the page can be edited directly in the browser through the built-in page editor.The HTML page (HTML HyperText Markup Language, "hypertext markup language") consists of lines of instructions for the browser that describes the types, appearance and location of each element of the web page. These instructions are called "tags" and they are grouped into blocks, one of which starts with an opening <body> tag and ends with closing </body> tag. According to the standards of the HTML language in the opening tag you can define settings for the backgroundand page. This is done by placing the bgcolor attribute:<body bgcolor="Green">Here is set to green color for the backgroundas this page. Some of the colors in the HTML standards have their own names - for example, Chocolate or Gainsboro, but typically use hexadecimal color codes:<body bgcolor="#00FF00">If the color of the backgroundand is set in this way, you should find in the page code body tag and replace the value of the bgcolor attribute you need.
In pages with a more complex design for the appearance, often use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets - "cascading style sheets"). CSS is a language created specifically to describe the appearance of elements in an html document. Blocks of CSS code can either be included in the page code, contained in a separate file with extension "css" and connect to the special instructions in the source code of the page.You should find in the page code <style> - if it is to refer to an external file you need to open to edit the file. Look this link maybe this:<style type="text/css" media="all">@import "style.css";</style>And if after the tag <style> is immediately followed by the user and not link to the file, then edit the styles you have here. In both cases, you need to look the part of a style description, which refers to the body document - body. But in the CSS it will be called not "tag" and "selector", and look perhaps like this:
body {
background-color: Green;
color: White;
You need to replace the value of the parameter background-color - it sets the color of the background ofa page. And here, too, it is possible to specify some color shades names, but it is better to use hexadecimal values. For example, the hexadecimal value for the shade of Chocolate = #D2691E.It is possible to specify not only color but also an image for the backgroundas:body {
background: Green url(img/bg.jpg) repeat-x;
color: White;
}Here url(img/bg.jpg means that from the img folder for the backgroundand page will take a picture with the name bg.jpg and repeat-x means that it will be propagated along the X-axis, that is horizontally. All the remaining space of a page, not a closed picture will have a green background - it is included before the url parameter. That the picture was reproduced on the Y-axis (vertical), it is necessary to specify, respectively, repeat-y. A no-repeat will disable all replication on the background of thenovel pictures.