If you go to a restaurant , for example, or someone's wedding, don't hesitate to ask the organizers, what better to come. Very often at these events, all guests dress in the same style, for example, ladies in evening gowns, men in suits and ties. Or Vice versa: if it's a business dinner, you recommend to come in a simple cocktail dress or dressy skirt with a jacket. And for men would be allowed vests and blazers.
If you go to a restaurant after work, and time to change will not, in the morning agemates system "and in the feast and in the world, and good people." That is, combine dressy sleeveless dress and a simple jacket that will be shot in the evening. Bring flashy accessories: large earrings, bracelet, decoration on the neck. Don't forget classic shoes at least a small heel, and handbag to match them, preferably the trunk and the clutch. Men choose clothes easier: you can use any costume that evening, before going to the restaurant, you can decorate a trendy, eye-catching tie.
Even, if you prefer sporty style, do not go to a decent restaurant in jeans and especially in a sports suit. You can just keep as many restaurants made it a principle that the phrase "we are for sports but not for sports clothes." An exception may be only expensive and fashionable designer jeans with a bright blouse or top. And in this form it is undesirable to appear in the conservative restaurantAh. Of course, the shoes, both male and female, must also be a classic. In the hot summer weather, allowed for men loafers, ladies sandals.