You will need
  • Computer with Internet access.
Find out the address of the website of the newspaper where you want to place your ad. Usually this information can be found on the pages of most Newspapers or on the Internet, scoring in the search engine's name.
Go to the website and carefully review the requirements of users who wish to send the announcement. Information about this can be located in the same section. Some Newspapers allow you to publish the ad for the money, others for free. Be sure to read about these things.
Sign up on the website. To do this, click on the "Register" tab and enter the form data that was requested. Usually required to leave your name, surname and email address, which will be sent all information about your ad.
Go to "post ads" and fill out the form for submitting ads. Be sure to specify there the type of sentences, choose an appropriate category, city and price. And, of course, describe your proposed or, on the contrary, you require a product or service. The more precisely you specify all the information, the more chances that your ad will bring results.
On some sites it is possible to place the photo. Use this feature if available.
Send your ad by clicking on the corresponding button, and wait until the system processes. It might take from several minutes to several days. If you submit a paid advertisement, the system will require you to first pay for the service through SMS or credit card.
Check your e-mail. After placing the ad to the following email address usually comes a notification. There also can enter any other information relating to published information.