Change the child's diet. If it is too small, feed him cereal. They contain a lot of nutrients and minerals that promote normal development and growth of the baby. Due to the high amount of carbohydrates cereals provide quite quick to gain weight.
Start feeding with rice and buckwheat that can be given safely with 4.5-5 months, and then add oatmeal. Just enter them in the diet gradually, starting with 1 tablespoon and bringing up to 150 g up to 7 months. You can also add the porridge a bit steamed vegetables, e.g., pumpkin or carrots. To cook porridge better on the water, sometimes adding a little milk.
Simultaneously with the kas don't forget to feed your baby meat, fruit and vegetable purees that contain the necessary minerals. Thanks to them, the child's body will go missing vitamins and the gastrointestinal tract will work better.
More adult children give nutritious high-calorie foods, which include fish, meat, cereals, potatoes, dairy products, nuts and bananas. To prepare them it is necessary with a small amount of fat, and best of all – to give in boiled or baked form. And in any case, do not feed your child fast food, processed or fatty foods, otherwise easily damage the stomach. Food rich in carbohydrates combined with fruits and vegetables.
If the reason for the shortage of weight is a poor appetite, encourage the child to spend as much time in the fresh air and moved a lot. Perhaps, then, it will fatten the desire to eat.
Remember that the weight of the child are as individual as the weight of an adult. If the missing kilos, he feels fine, sleeping peacefully and fairly active, don't worry. It is not necessary forcibly to stuff and stretch his stomach, just make sure to eat balanced.