The reasons for the refusal of the baby food may be its novelty, sharp color or odor, etc. However if the child for extended periods of time, refuses to eat, you should tell the doctor about this, perhaps it is a signal about presence of any disease.Remember, appetite is an important indicator of the health status of the baby. Reduce appetite also overwork, overheating, emotional stress, etc.
The first step is to calm down and not panic about the fact that your baby eats a little. Eaten today grams, with a surplus to be typed tomorrow, at the end of the day, appetite adult also changing day by day. Medical standards child under years should consume per day food in the amount of 1/10 of its weight. Enough eats your baby, you can calculate by the formula: the number of receptions of food * amount of food per feeding = 1/10 weight of the crumbs.
To increase the appetite of the kid under the year, you need to strictly follow the rules of introduction of complementary foods.Start the introduction of a new product with ½ teaspoon and gradually increasing the amount of portions. The number of vegetable foods at the age of 7-8 months – 80 g, 9-12 months - 120 grams.At a time introduce one thing, moving gradually on the combination products. The introduction of a new food should be postponed in case of illness of a baby, during the period of vaccination, climate change and other adverse factors.Monitoring response to new products is carried out within 7-10 days, at this time, watching the leather chair and the General feeling remains.If the baby does not respond well to solid foods, you should give it time and consult with a doctor.Starting solid foods with vegetables at the age of 4.5 months, if the baby is on mixed feeding; 6 masazni – for those who breastfed. After the introduction of vegetables you can get started with fruit, and from 8 months – meat. Now pediatricians recommend introducing egg into the lure closer to a year.
Not to knock the appetite crumbs, follow the simple rules of eating:
- avoid snacking between meals and not overload the child drink;
- not to break the diet: eating at certain hours contributes to the rhythmic work of the digestive system;
- feed baby in a quiet environment and in a good mood;
- do not entertain the baby during the meal: so the child eats, not noticing the food;
- get more fresh air, let your child "work up" the appetite;
- use bright Cutlery and plates, periodically changing them with new ones;
closer to the year when the child has grown up and is actively involved in the communication process, eat with him what he eats, and show how you good.
Appetite is a delicate matter, but in order to maintain focus on the utility, not the amount eaten. Independently prepared from natural products food is healthy and nutritious. It provides the body with energy long enough.