Drink plenty of fluids. The hotter outside, the more it is required for thermoregulation in the body. Drink a couple liters of clean water a day, trying not to make breaks between glasses of water more than an hour. Keep in mind that sweet drinks, juices and other drinks will not help you and will only complicate the work of the body.
Quench your thirst properly. If the whole day you unbearably thirsty, will help all the same water. Cool, no added sugar, it naturally will stifle thirst. Another drink, able to help with this, green tea. Drink it warm, so you will cope with desire to drink, and with heat (body temperature will increase slightly, which will allow the body to feel more comfortable). Coffee is better to refuse, because it enhances sweating.
Choose clothes made of natural fabrics. Synthetic materials prevent sweating, which leads to disruption of thermoregulation. Give preference to linen, the fabric from it perfectly passes air and does not interfere with the body to "breathe". As for the colors, it is better to wear clothes of bright colors. Dark will attract the sun. Refrain from tight things, prefer loose fit.
Wearing headgear. Be sure to keep your head in the shade, it will save from sunstroke. Hats, caps, scarves - the choice is yours. This accessory in summer, will not become a victim of solar activity and stylish look.
Try to be in a cool room at the peak of solar activity. From eleven to two to three hours a heavenly body emits a particularly strong and harmful rays. Avoid them by hiding in air-conditioned house. The coolness in those days will not hurt.
Refrain from heavy meals. Do not overload your body, do not eat fried, salty and spicy food. Give preference to light summer soups type of okroshka or beetroot soup, boiled fish and meat, fresh vegetables and fruits.
Take a cool shower several times a day. Or at least, rinse the face with cold water. To cool the body so pleasant and helpful.