In order to cancel the erroneous action of the document created in MS Word, menu "edit" select "Undo". The same result can be achieved using hot keys Alt+Backspace. If you suddenly realized that the action was correct, and nothing you canceled, use Ctrl+Y.
On the quick access toolbar, locate the Undo button. If you want to undo several actions, click the down arrow next to this button to reveal a list of recently performed actions. While holding the left button of the mouse point to unnecessary surgery and release the key. The same result can be achieved using Ctrl+Alt+Z.
Next to Undo on the quick access toolbar is a button "Return". It returns the deleted steps. Its action is duplicated by the function key F4. If the "Cancel" button not used "Return" will be available.
For undo in MS Excel also using the Undo command from the edit menu, the Undo button on the quick access toolbar and shortcut keys Alt+Backspace and Ctrl+z To return the mistakenly cancelled operations apply the same tools as in MS Word.
Adobe Photoshop: in this situation it is convenient to use hot keys Ctrl+Alt+Z and Step Backward (Step back) from the Edit menu ("Edit"). To return a mistaken undo actions use the command in Step Forward (Step up) and Shift+Ctrl+Z.
In addition to the standard buttons and commands in Photoshop there is a handy History option (History). Find it in Window menu (Window) and tick. Look in the History panel unnecessary action, catch it with the mouse and drag to the trash icon at the bottom of the panel. To undo all changes, click the image icon at the top of the list.
If you have made some fatal changes in the operating system, to regain her health you will help the service "system Restore". Call the startup window programs by a combination Win+R and type in the Open box msconfig. Go to the tab "Services" check list "system Restore" and click "Start". Select the date closest to the one that was made wrong actions.