You will need
  • - chamomile;
  • - Bay leaves;
  • - aloe juice;
  • tea;
  • - parsley;
  • - St. John's wort;
  • - yarrow;
  • - med;
  • - egg yolk;
  • - lemon juice;
  • yogurt;
  • - essential oil of grapefruit;
  • - green clay;
  • - white clay;
  • - sour milk;
  • - potato juice;
  • - starch;
  • - cucumber.
If you notice that a redness appears on the skin after washing with soap, rubbing it with a towel, touching the hands, maybe your skin is just very sensitive. Try to avoid frequent washing, use of a soothing lotion or special creams (they are usually sold in pharmacies). It is not recommended to frequently touch your face with your hands, as well as much of its grind. In addition, avoid too hot and spicy, and spicy food. Alcoholic drinks are also contraindicated.
Sensitive skin and skin affected by dust, wind or frost, you can quickly calm down, taking advantage of the compress from the infusion of chamomile, decoction of dried Bay leaf, strong brewed black tea or aloe juice (or cream that contains the juice).
Warm decoction of chamomile to rinse the face several times a day. It moisturizes, disinfects and calms the skin. You can use parsley broth, which soothes and whitens the skin. Or decoction of lime, of St. John's wort or yarrow.
The soothing mask can be prepared from a melted honey with the addition of egg yolk and a couple teaspoons of lemon juice. While you certainly should not be allergic to honey. Apply this mask on the face avoiding the under-eye area, soak a few minutes. After that, rinse your skin well, Pat dry and apply moisturizer.
Pores and relieve redness promotes honey-yoghurt mask (mix ratio 1:1). If you want to this mixture you can add a few drops of essential oil of grapefruit.
To cope with the redness on the skin will help you and clay, green or white. Dilute it with water until thick cream and put on a quarter of an hour on the face. Then rinse with warm water.
Sometimes the skin may turn red due to an allergic reaction to any substance or drug. If this was due to direct contact with the skin (for example, if you use cream or detergent), rinse affected area with running water and then apply a moisturizing cream with a soothing effect. And try to continue to be wary of such substances. If the redness appeared after the introduction of allergen inside, cleanse your organism from toxins (can help activated charcoal or tools with the same action), take Allergy medication. After that you should undergo Allergy test to identify for the future that can provoke.
If your skin is red because of sunburn, grease it with sour milk or potato juice. In this case you can use and starch, several times a day pripudrivania his face.
Will cool and soothe the skin are also common cucumber. Pre-clean and RUB it on a grater, and then put on the itchy places. After 10 minutes remove the mask.