Determine the importance of the task before you. Ask yourself, does the decision you make on your career or future life? If not, is it worth this worry? Sometimes the awareness of the insignificance of the issue, helping to focus on it and faster to find a suitable answer.
Select the criteria for making decisions. When you're late for work, it is important is it safe to "catch" the car in this area if you have the money to pay for the road whether you win the required time is critical if your late and it does not matter what brand is the car on which you go.
Refrain from detailed forecasting of a situation, recognize that all the factors you can't foresee and Yes, your solution might not be perfect, but it will be accepted based on the criteria that you now have. No one can predict the future, so should I try and every time to be in the old tale about "Smart Elsa"?
Trust your instincts. Quick decision making in stressful situations are called "reactive" because in this case the solution is not so much the result of mental effort, as reaction to stimulus. Such decision one takes based on their previous experience, guided by the available data. According to surveys, people who are in a crisis situation, after some time, are rarely satisfied with the adopted solutionsof mi, even despite the fact that they were not only correct, but only possible. Remember – perfect outputs never happens, but the one "who wishes and does not act, breeds plague".
Be confident. Sometimes make the decision of stopping you is fear of making a mistake, to expose themselves to ridicule, appearing incompetent, but if you repeatedly are not able to respond quickly to a request from the outside, you are more likely to be misunderstood. "Do not mistake the one who does nothing" - who does not know this proverb? Repeatedly postponing the decision you earn yourself a solid reputation, but rather to pass for a man unreliable, slow.
Visualize the results of their decisions. Learn to mentally draw a picture of what will happen after you act a certain way. Select the decision whose consequences seem optimal.