If you have a low greenhouse, varieties of tomatoes to choose from short. They are called ultrametricity (superdeterminant), their growth is limited. The Central stem forms a 2-3 fruit brush and all. The fruit of these tomatoes are small or medium with lots of juice in the seed chambers. To maturity equal to 90-100 days. The best types are recognized: Arctic, Subarctic, North, oak, Dwarf, Crab, Nevsky, Antoshka, Muscovite, Siberian precocious, Alaska and others.
Determinate tomatoes are more diverse, but also more high and require pinching. Their fruits also contain a lot of juice, but may be denser, which makes them suitable for canning. The crop Matures in about 115 a day and gets hit by a late blight. The most interesting medium grade: Corsair, Angelica Dunn, the guarantor, Dove, Rocket, Photon, Tsarskoye Selo early, Blagovest F1, Verlioka F1, F1 Master, F1 Portland, Sindbad F1.
Semi-determinant tomatoes over the summer do not have time to grow all your fruit brush, so usually after the sixth Central stem pinch. For their cultivation needs about 150 days. Vershkovyi is usually carried out at the end of July. The fruits of these tomatoes large and fleshy. Popular: Persimmon, Giant Novikov, Monomakh, beef heart, Sweet pink, Beefsteak, Best of all, Dream lover, АтосF1, the Duo F1, Porthos F1, the F1 weekend.
There is a whole series of excellent varieties of tomatoes Siberian breeding. The most promising of them are: the Sturgeon, the Golden domes, dried Apricots, Anna, Japanese crab, Japanese tree, Giant crimson, Pink honey, Hospitable, Favorite holiday, Bear paw, Russian soul, the Three fat men. These varieties are well established in the North-West, so do not be afraid to experience them in their communities.
But these tomatoes are stored for a very long time, 3-4 months: Christmas, Giraffe, Hit F1, Cartouches, Instinct. If you want to enjoy great brushes with 20-25 fruits, you need Samara, Reflex, Intuition. Cherry tomato is a cherry yellow and cherry red.
For those who want to grow tomatoes on the balcony or windowsill will fit the Little Prince, Anetochka, hummingbirds, Bonsai and Balcony miracle. Try to plant several varieties to see which grow well in your area. Each year you can experiment with new types of tomatoes, because the only way to satisfy their curiosity. You should see pink, red, crimson, yellow, brown, purple, orange, striped and white copies.