Measures to combat baldness would depend on the reasons for baldness.
If the cause is genetic, then you should use the funds for the awakening of dormant bulbs. The fact that throughout a person's life, 80% of the bulbs are functioning, and 20% sleeping. These 20% can be stimulated to growth. To do this, use the following folk remedies:
Onion mask. Grate the onion on a grater, add fresh warm honey and burdock oil. RUB this paste into the scalp, then wear a shower cap or bathing, and on top wrap a towel. After half an hour wash with shampoo. Apply 2 times a week.
Vinegar a decoction of the roots of calamus. To make it, pour 3 tbsp. chopped rhizome in half a liter of table wine or Apple cider vinegar and simmer for 15 minutes. After application to wash off. Similarly, preparing a decoction of nettle (4 tbsp. l. leaves to 0.5 liters of vinegar).
To RUB into the skin with a paste of fresh crushed garlic bulblets.
If the reason lies in external causes: adverse environmental effects, vitamin deficiencies, chemotherapy, is sufficient to eliminate the factor of influence and the hair will recover. Drink vitamin complexes, try to move to another place, use the tools of regenerative medicine.
If funding was available, it is possible to do a hair transplant. This procedure is performed on an outpatient basis. Take the hair on the back of the head and transplanted segments of skin with hair follicles on the bald part of the head, replacing her. Places from which we take the follicles, sew up and cover the adjacent hair. The head bandage. The bandage is removed after 10-12 days.
In addition to possible hair transplantation scalp reduction, where the sites of the bald head just cut and sewn. This method is applicable with a slight baldness at the crown or nape. However, these methods are applicable only in case the baldness is not complete.
If a cure for baldness has not led to a positive result, it is necessary to make a choice in favor of regular shaving of the head. What cinema is replete with examples of brutal bald men that are the subject of adoration of millions of women. One has only to mention the names of Jason Statham, VIN Diesel or Bruce Willis. But if you'll search the Internet and find pictures of Gosha Kutsenko before he began to shave the hair on your head, you will agree with the fact that the bald spot it is much more than hair.