Keep in mind that your puppy today adorable blue-eyed furball on faltering legs by the year will be beautiful, strong, proud dog. Treat very responsibly to the choice of his nicknames. For husky will not fit fanciful or frivolous names, it by definition can't be Jessica, Bongkoj or Pompom.

Puppies in the same litter the breeder usually assigns names myself, in the same letter that corresponds to the sequence number of the litter. But the dog's name, which you'll see in the puppy's card, can consist of several words, as in the nickname and add the name of the kennel. This name is intended for participation in exhibitions. In ordinary life the puppy is better to give the name of one, maximum of two words. Better if the home dog's name will be in tune with the official, or begin with the same letter.

Look at the puppy. Even young, he already has some character and has the appearance. You can beat them. Sometimes the combinations are obtained from a combination of the first syllables of the names of the mother and father. Go online, there are entire catalogs of canine nicknames on different letters, and even by dogs and bitches.

If you did not find anything suitable, maybe it makes sense to read the famous authors that wrote about the North. Browse through Jack London or O. Henry in their stories you will meet many names that were sled dogs. Look at the map of the Northern territories and Siberia. It is possible that your pet will fit any geographical name, for example: Aldan, Vilyui, Kyshtym, Essey, Khatanga, Aykhal, and Heth.

In any case, the nickname should be short and sonorous. Try speaking it aloud, it should be easy to speak out and to stand out phonetically. Well, when it will be the sound of "p", emphasizing the character of the dog. The sound of "x" in the nickname husky is also quite relevant – these dogs do not bark, but make a sound similar to a wheeze.