You will need
  • Washing detergent, ammonia, white spirit, denatured spirit, special solvent for corrector, refined petrol.
Pour in a bowl of hot water, add some detergent or liquid soap and stir. Soak stained clothing in the solution and leave for 30-40 minutes. Then wash and rinse the cloth in running water. This method is quite effective for removing stains from corrector water based.
Use ammonia. Dilute it with warm water in proportion 1:1. Moisten a cotton swab in the solution and apply to the stain corrector. After 15 minutes, wipe the contaminated area. Can also soak clothes in warm soapy water with added ammonia.
Take white spirit or denatured alcohol. Put the clothes on the table in the expanded state. On the reverse side apply gauze or white cloth, folded in several layers. Then soak a cotton pad in solvent and carefully remove traces of the corrector. If the stain is small size, use a cotton swab.
Remove stains with a special solvent liquid, which is usually sold together with the corrector. To start, scrape off dried-on contamination with a knife or fingernail. Then with a brush or cotton swab, apply on the stain and wait a couple of minutes. After this time, DAB the treated area with a dry white cloth or cotton swab. Wash clothing with the addition of stain remover and rinse in running water.
Clean the stain from the corrector cleaned with gasoline. This will apply to contaminated area with a cotton or gauze swab, soaked in gasoline. Wait a few minutes and then remove the stain. This way you can get stains from the corrector, which is composed of different oils. Be very careful, not every material can withstand the processing of gasoline.
Before proceeding to the removal of stains, test the fabric for resistance to solvent. Apply a drop on an inconspicuous area of clothing, wait a few minutes. If after this time the fabric did not change its color and texture, continue cleansing.