You will need
  • seeds;
  • - capacity for planting seeds;
  • the substrate;
  • - water.
Purchase seed of this plant from a retailer. Treat them with fungicides or growth stimulants. Thus, you will accelerate the process of appearance of your sprouts.
Prepare a container for planting seeds. This will perfectly suit a plastic bottle, cut lengthwise, or a wooden box.
Soil for planting seeds acquire neutral or slightly acidic and mix it with sand in the ratio of 2:1. Also the substrate you can prepare yourself. To do this, mix 1 part sand, 1 part peat and 2 parts ground sheet. This mixture has good permeability that will contribute to the rapid development of the root system.
Plant seeds to a depth of 0.5-1 cm, slightly prisypaya ground. After that, the earth abundantly pour water with a small addition of a solution of potassium permanganate. Thus, you will decontaminate your future the plant from various pests. A container of seeds, cover with glass or cling film, creating a humid microclimate.
When growing sprouts follow thermal mode – 25-30 degrees. Only in this way your seedlings will stretch and get stronger in shorter period of time. Do not forget to ventilate shoots, opening glass (film) for 1-2 hours a day.
As soon as the seedlings appeared the first 2-3 leaf, clear glass (film). Then thin out your seedlings by removing weak shoots.
Shoots of ficus transplant in a separate container with a diameter of 8-10 cm For the perfect plastic cups. The growth of plants capacity pick up with a large diameter.
The plant place in a bright room, avoiding direct sunlight. Remember: they absolutely can not tolerate drafts, even in very hot weather. And the bad illumination of the plant can kill the leaves and shoots.
Don't forget to water your plant. To do this, use well-defended water at room temperature.