In order to know how much weight the website, search the resource database, containing statistics on a specific websiteam. They usually contain written information about the most popular resources of the Internet, however, it is possible that you will find data for the less well-known siteam. Almost all of them contain inaccurate, approximate information. Many of them have not yet updated the data about the resources of the Internet.
You are interested in go to the website and save all his web pages in the same folder with the browser menu "File" and "Save as". Then click on the created folder with the saved page, right-click and from the contextual menu go to properties. View folder size, this will be the approximate weight of the website.
If you want to know the total weight of your websiteand go to the folder on the server via admin panel of the hosting, and with a special menu, review its size. Sometimes also can view statistics specifically interested sections of the website. In cases where you are interested in the size of someone else's websiteand contact the administrator for providing such information.
Use third-party utilities in order to know the size of your website. It can be various file managers, plugins and other programs, e.g. FAR Manager.
If you need to reduce the size of your websiteand use specially designed tools for cleaning them from spam and other unnecessary elements. You can also clear it manually if it is small in size. Remember that the more weight a page of sitea, the less likely it will go and the longer it will take to scan them by search engines, which is also not the best way to display on the popularity of your website. Remember that most users prefer the convenience of browsing, and therefore do not load their modules.