Power consumption of electricity is measured in kilowatts, for a residential project is usually allocated a certain amount. To know the amount of power allocated for your apartment or house, contact the operator (company sales). This information you will get help that is paid.
Estimated power for one apartment, as a rule, does not exceed 3 kW, and the use of the electric cooker is not more than 7 kW. The power limit is done with a special switch that automatically turns off once the power level reaches the maximum mark.
To increase the maximum value of power consumption, you need to collect a set of documents:

• the act of differentiation of balance accessory. This document must be signed by three parties: you, the power supplying organization and sales. The act is to define the levels of responsibility of the parties to identify the perpetrators in the event of a crash in the network or accident;
• information about the allocated capacity, which can be obtained in the organization of the power supply;
• a document confirming your ownership of the apartment/house;
• plan of the premises, which must be specified all electrical equipment, including bulbs, sockets and switches. To plan you can employ a person design Agency that provides this service.
In the next stage of compilation of the project of electricity, which is a set of technical documents describing the location and principles of operation of all electric equipment in the apartment, the location of the wiring, etc. the Cost of drawing up such a project depends on the size of your apartment/house. At the end of the project must be approved by the supervising organization and sales.
According to the approved electrical design start electrical work that must be carried out exactly according to him. If an item cannot be fulfilled in real conditions, the project should be pernapasan, and then you can continue installation works with the changes.
Upon completion of installation work, your home will be visited by the inspector of power supervision, which must be caused by the corresponding application. The inspector will make the act of giving the new installation a right to exist. Then, to run the operation.
All the documents that you have accumulated for the time, tell the organization and sales, which will issue in your name a new agreement for the use of electricity. You will then receive a new monthly book and can finally enjoy his technique.