To clear the cache in Safari, press Control-Alt-E, select "Clear". Please note that to download the latest version of the page, you can clear the cache, and just ignore its contents. Just reload the page pressing Ctrl+R or clicking on a special icon, shown as a curved arrow.
Sometimes in addition to cache, you want to also delete cookies. These cookies help websites to recognise you when you return to them, and show the information you need. By the way, don't forget that deleting cookies or changing their settings can cause changes in other programs and files. So, to delete, select the menu "Action" then "Settings" and "Security". A menu of actions you can find in the upper right corner of the browser. Then click the "Show cookies", select all or some files, and then click Remove. After the operation is complete, click on the "finish"button.
Don't forget that Safari saves the pages you have visited in the history list that allows you to quickly return to the web site. However, from time to time, it's still recommended to clear the history. To do this, select "History", then click on the "Clear history" and then "Clear". To display the string "History", press Alt.
For purification of the individual elements of the history list click on the icon of an open book. In the collections list on the left select "History". In the tabs located on the right, select the objects to remove and press Delete.
The Safari developers has also provided the setting for automatic deletion of objects after a certain period of time. To use this function, select "Action" then "Settings" and click on "Main". As already mentioned, this menu item is located in the upper right corner of the browser. Now you only click on the context menu item "Delete object history".