You will need
  • - handle;
  • notebook;
  • - the recorder.
Prepare yourself in advance. To go to a press conference or interview without preparation is extremely unprofessional. Find the largest possible amount of information about the person you wish to interview, please specify names, dates and positions. Clearly put, the main question that defines the topic of conversation, and try to understand it, not to look like an ignoramus.
Simplify the wording. The simpler the question, the more chances to get a clear answer. Intricate questions framed the bandwagon not only to your partner but also yourself. Any story can fit into five basic questions: who, what, where, when, how, why. Specify them in this sequence, you'll get a complete picture of events and not miss important information.
Do not limit yourself to the topic of discussion. If you feel that the other person is ready to provide interesting information not related to the topic of the interview, don't interrupt him and listen to the end. Subsequently, when writing the article you just happy his patient.
Refuse issues-cliche. Those of today in journalism more than a dozen. They should be avoided by any means, because by asking a question-the stamp, you will receive the exact same answer, not exactly bearing any information.
Start with minor issues. If the first interview question will be the most important for the entire conversation, it is possible to put the cross. You will answer briefly and without emotion, and further attempts to clarify the situation will fail.
Alternate open and closed questions. Open allow the interviewee to speak in full, closed set clear and require negative or affirmative answer. From the sequence of questions will depend on the development of the whole conversation.