You will need
  • - tickets to all performances in the city;
  • - restaurant reservations;
  • - flowers.
Get in the habit of sending his wife messages with words of love. The woman is especially nice to get a passionate message and boasting about them to your friends. Put a little card with a nice picture in the pocket of her clothes, so she found her and touched remembering you.
On a postcard write the name of the cafe or restaurant where you have pre-booked a table for the evening. It will be a very pleasant surprise. But if you'll take her to the Mall for a new dress, the joy of the couple. Do not sit, as usual, in the car, when it becomes to try on clothes.
Be with her and praise every show, but highlight a costume that you will seem stunning. A day of surprises require you to have certain costs, but they will be repaid with love and affection, which will grant you a wife by night.
Go in lingerie store, buy your favorite gorgeous set and a belt with stockings. Don't forget to look in on her in the dressing room and passionately kiss.... If she wants to buy a new pair of sandals along with heels, and do not deny this – to walk so to walk!
During the candlelight dinner can't stop looking at the couple of lovers eyes, flirt, dance, enjoy the company of each other and the environment.
Mostly SMD surprise you can arrange a revival in the colors – in the morning put my wife on the pillow bouquet with a love note. Or go for it to work, so during the break to take a walk in the Park, eating ice cream and holding hands.
Arrange with a local artist to write a portrait of your spouse. To do this, select the best photos to the picture was a surprise, or invite her to pose in the Studio. To arrange a photo session for you two to your pair filmed everywhere you go.
Find out what's happening in your town. New films and plays, concerts and performances, exhibitions and shows – all this will be a great surprise to his wife. Visit the ceremony of tea, or enjoy a flight over the city by helicopter, fill the bathtub with champagne and rose petals or sing a Serenade under the Windows of your apartment.
Any manifestation of your love will be nice to you and wifewill strengthen your happy marriage and make life brighter.