You will need
  • Computer, a text editor.
Limit the size of the essay to a minimum. The volume of such works are always a small number of characters is comparable to the number of characters in a newspaper article – 500-3000 characters with spaces (up to a page of printed text in the editor, 12-14 font). This volume is required to accommodate as much information and arguments, so when writing essays , choose as simple as possible and succinct wording.
Express their thoughts in free form. Genre of the essay does not imply specific requirements on style or order of communicating ideas. However, for convenience, visualize its composition the form of a diagram: introduction – main part – conclusion. The main part should be the same volume as the Intro and conclusion taken together, it is even possible to exceed this difference.
From the introductory part, think student years. Beginning of essay is a bit like the Chapter "Introduction" in a student essay. But, if in a bulk labour relevance, goals, objectives, and other categorical apparatus is to a few pages, the essay allows the question to a maximum of one or two sentences.
In the introduction, almost at the end part, put the question, who will be discussing throughout the essay. This is the theme designated in the title. For example, the essay about work can have such a title: "Motivation of young specialists in the field of gaming", then the question will sound something like this: why should young professionals engaged in the development of game software.But, before you ask a question, tell us about the history of its origin: who spoke for the first time, as changing the attitude towards the issue over time, what do you think your contemporaries. Be sure to leave an open-ended question, explain that a definite answer is still no, but are you willing to give it.
In the main part of stating your own opinion. Give some examples from personal experience to confirm it. Be sure to use statistical data from credible sources, provide expert opinions. Don't forget about historical information: your point of view probably shared by someone from predecessors. If necessary, quote interested in the issue of people.
In the final essay summarize. Confirm their point of view, try to make predictions on the development of the situation in the future.