The sacrament imposed by the Lord on the feast of the last supper with the apostles at the last Passover the night before his arrest and crucifixion. Communion is of great importance for the Christian. During baptism, a person first joins the faith. Recommend to take communion every month, some are sacred recommendations, and some of them do not perform or perform very rarely. First of all you should think about why you want communion in the Christian Church. Communion refers to the main Church ceremony, giving food for the soul. Mooring, a Christian purifies his soul from of sins, increased faith in the Lord, created the reunion of man with nature. It is not enough just to come to Church and take communion, this process is necessary to prepare for and to believe in the reality of the situation.
2-3 days before the communion should abstain from meat, eggs, milk and dairy products, with strict fasting and fish. You need to sincerely forgive all the offenders and ask the forgiveness of all who wronged himself. You must pray morning and evening, and even better to visit in these days of Church services.
This is followed by the confession. Confession (repentance) – refers to one of the 7 Christian Sacraments in which a person confesses his sins to the priest and gets rid of them. Confession takes place in the temples in the evening after worship services or in the morning before the Liturgy in the presence of the congregation, so we need to respect the secrecy of confession, not to eavesdrop and not to confuse professing. The sacrament of Holy Communion requires a pre-purification by the Sacrament of Penance (except for children up to 7 years). It is forbidden to take communion women in menstruation and after childbirth only after the reading of prayers of purification 40 days.
After Liturgy, the communicants line up in front of the pulpit in this order: children, men, women. The priest comes out with a Bowl in her hands and humming: "the fear of God and faith start". Each suited to the Bowl, says his name and opens his mouth to put the spoon with the part of the Body and Blood. After wipe his lips with a handkerchief, to kiss the Cup and move to the table where they take the we washed it down with and eat a piece of communion bread in the mouth. Not taking back, it is impossible to venerate the icons, the gospel or the Cross. After Holy communion, parishioners pray before the end of the service of the Lord, then they split up, trying to maintain the purity of the soul as long as possible. It is desirable in this day, a little chat, to abandon the television, sexual intimacy, and to refrain from bad habits. Receive Holy communion only once a day, sick and infirm people invite the priest home with children at home did not partake.