To such trouble did not happen, it is necessary to know in advance the schedule of a particular temple. Most Orthodox churches are open to the public daily from 8.00 am and finishing at 19.00. At this time, anyone can go there to pray, to light candles and to submit notes on the health or repose. But depending on the importance of the Church, its location and the number of employees in her priests this schedule is subject to change. Especially in the rural parishes.

As the work of the Church in the villages, or Why go to the temple – a luxury?

In remote villages the temples are open for visits only on Sundays and only for a few hours. At this time, the priest conducts the divine Liturgy, and after it almost immediately closes the room.
However, this temple sometimes opens its doors on a weekday, if it accounts for an important Church or a local festival. In this case, the Church takes the faithful during the Liturgy.
If the building is relatively convenient and the priest lives near the temple or on its grounds, difficulties with attendance arise – the Church will be open every day (the Liturgy may be performed only once or a few times a week – depending on the capabilities of the rector).
But a situation when the entrance to the temple is partially or fully restricted, despite the fact that the room itself is actually open, there are. This primarily relates to the require of weddings, christenings or funerals.

Urban parishes: always open, open to all

Quite a different situation with the work of churches formed in the cities. Here they take believers almost around the clock, from early morning (average 8 hours) and ending in the evening (around 19 hours). And in the case when to the temple brought the Shrine, and all can be opened until late at night.
If you want to concentrate in silence, it is best to choose a time when Church service is already over – for example, morning or afternoon. In these moments no one will divert requests to pass on candles with a loud cough or something like that.
But if it turned out that the visit to the temple coincided with the service, and the soul asks for privacy, there is nothing to worry. You can gently step aside, not to disturb anyone and not to stand in the aisle, and held in the temple as long as necessary. For this, in large cathedrals are the chapels – more space-extension.
If the problem is reversed and you need to get it on the service, you need to find out what the schedule of divine services in this temple. The graph may be quite different from each other and depends not only on the status of the Church (for example, if the monastery, the services are daily), but also on the number of employees in her priests.
A Church service that goes completely in any Church every week and that can not miss is the Sunday Liturgy. Its starting time is determined by the rector of each Church individually and may vary: for example, it starts between 6.30 to 7.30 and in other places – not before 8 am.
The service and Communion, preceded by confession. It can start together with the Liturgy, and maybe go the night before. Such detail is also better to know in advance.

If the parish is big enough, and it is more than two priests, on Sunday are just two of the Liturgy – early and late. The first starts about 7 o'clock in the morning, and one immediately after early, around 9. In addition to the Sunday services in some of the larger temples of the Liturgy are also held on Shabbat and weekdays.
If we are talking about the monastery or the main Cathedral of the city, services are held there daily.
Despite common features schedule of services and hours of operation specific churches still differ from each other. Therefore, in order not to lose time in advance to find the website of the parish on the Internet and get acquainted with its mode of operation.
If a page of the temple is not issued by a search engine, it is also not a problem - on the website of the local diocese can always be found at the Church and updated it with all the details.