You will need
  • Desk/support
Never sit on the string at once. It is possible to stretch muscles. Be sure to heat them before class. It may be a warm bath, warming massage, and walking. Workout for a few weeks should be aimed at training your muscles. Performing regular exercise, more attention is paid to stretching the leg muscles and the hip joint.
Perform a flapping motion with your legs. This exercise is very effective. With a straight back and a support on one foot raise in Mahe second. She should be free to rise above the level of the shoulders. Alternately, change the legs. Follow the posture.
Run the slopes, his legs support. It can be any, you reach to the waist, the surface. Keep your balance, try to bend as low as possible. Do the same with the other leg. In this exercise, you can experience pain. Don't overdo it. Muscles and tendons become more elastic and stretch. Remember that they need time in order to take the desired state.
Calmly try to get on the transverse or longitudinal splits. Stay in the moment when you feel pain. Don't rush, keep your posture. At the slightest change your health for the worse or if you experience any discomfort, immediately stop the exercise.
Do all these exercises every other day for 30 minutes. Do not skip classes. Tune in to the final result. After a workout, use a relaxing massage technique, relax. After about a week of workouts you will definitely see the result. Even if you during this period failed to do the splits, don't worry: the goal is near. Remember that the performed exercises were not in vain, and you have already made much progress towards your goal.