There are two kinds of bands: metal and plastic. For rhythmic gymnastics only used the second option. There are branded and expensive hoops of thousands of rubles more expensive, and there are simple, cost about a hundred rubles.
The first reason wrapped hoops - increase their strength. The tape prevents deformation, which are highly susceptible to this gymnastic thing. And, of course, the Hoop after that, it becomes more beautiful.
The winding is matched to the color and pattern of gymnastic suit and should be in harmony with him. Hoops can be decorated with ribbons of different colors - for example, one half to make a red and the other yellow. There are a lot of options – multi-colored tapes can be alternated after the winding-quarters of the wrap, you can wrap the whole object in one color and put another tape on top of the spiral.
Tape the Hoop and gives extra weight. This weighted Hoop will fly up higher after a throw and will not to plan and therefore falls to the planned destination. In major competitions there is even a weight control hoops: if it is lighter or heavier than the standards, the athlete may not be allowed before the performance.
The tape is conventional and self-adhesive. Often buy them in a fabric or flower shops. There's a special tape for winding the wraps that sell in specialized departments of sports shops.
So, we will proceed directly to the coil side: first secure the end of the tape on the Hoop with tape. Then under a 45 degree angle, start wrapping, try to do it tight, but the turns should not be much close to each other. After that, be sure to wrap the wrap with tape, it is better to take a fine Scotch. It shakes not at such an acute angle as the tape does slightly deviate from the perpendicular cross section of the subject.
Scotch recommend you to do not immediately after the turns of the tape, to be able to redo everything if something will not work. Wrap a Scotch tape, if you are sure you have achieved the desired result. And yet - store the Hoop in a horizontal position, so that it is not lost form.