First learn not to blink under water. Try to fully immerse yourself under the water, raise your hand and look at it. There is nothing wrong in the fact that the water gets in the eyes, even salt water won't get irritating. It is best to try to do this exercise while swimming in the normal water.
If you open your eyes underwater you already know, then try to do the following: go to the bottom of the pond a small depth and find the white object left at the bottom informed. Bend over, stretch your legs and slipping head-first, try to get the object from the bottom. First can be difficult, but then everything will come.
Put out several metres from the white subject and dive from the surface of the water in his direction. Possible difficulties with the water immersion of the torso, but to successfully overcome the problems just raise your legs higher. Your weight will help to go under water.
Next you need to understand how long you can stay under the water. Scuba diving much like ordinary. That's just may prevent buoyancy. Try to keep legs above his head, strokes downward and forward.
When diving it is also important to keep a straight course. Try to swim and gaze at the coast where there are some guidelines to learn to swim as straight as possible.
To improve their diving skills, try every day to complicate the exercise. For example, throw in a few notable items and try for one dive to find them. You can also leave from the boat any subject and dive after him, trying to get this item before it touches bottom.
Please note that under normal diving into the water also need to be logged, right, and beautiful. The problem beginners in diving into that head down into the water they just get scared. As a result, the water drop formation and receive a severe shock to the entire body.
For the beginning learn to dive from the shore, where the water is almost equal with him. Lean is very low, stretch out your arms over your head and localizate in the water. Gradually the height of the banks need to increase and try to dive in a jump a head forward. In the end, you have to learn to jump in the water with a running start.